Thursday, January 27, 2011

Change Ahead

I desire for expansion of the mind on many levels, especially spiritually. Not in a religious sense either, but becoming more aware of MYSELF. I understand that my belief level may not be in line with some; however, the spirit, my inner voice, consciousness, never steers me wrong. I know I am aware of who GOD is and because of this, he leads me on different paths to validate my level of thinking otherwise I would think I was crazy. This journey of spiritual awareness is so refreshing to me. It impacts every thought and every feeling that I have. I don't need anyone to chastise me because I do it myself. I totally believe in the law of attraction and what I think, how I feel and what I say will definitely manifest into my reality. I literally TRY to monitor every thought I have and if my thoughts are not consistent with my desires I am able to rechannel them by changing my thoughts almost immediately. Deep breathing generally does the trick, but if that doesn't work I do affirmations, I listen to music that is full of joy or I look at photos of my children. Anything that evokes a good feelings is where I redirect my thoughts. I am so glad that I have control over my own thoughts and that I broke the cycle of feeling and thinking a certain way because it was imparted in me as a child. As life changes, so does certain belief systems and the way things were done. The way religion was taught to me as a child is not how I feel about it as an adult. I evolve daily... I grow daily. I seek to do good daily. I live in the NOW, present moment. If you continue to worry, fear, or stress about what wasn't done yesterday you will miss the opportunity to be present NOW. If you are so consumed with tomorrow you will miss the opportunity to be present NOW. Now is all we have so NOW should be all we focus on. When and if we get to tomorrow it will be NOW. I have a strong desire to be in a place where I am so in tune with spirit.. inner being, that nothing outside of that place _ VORTEX -- a constant whirl of energy, joy, peace, all things that are GOOD... can not be disturbed. I am going on a 30 day challenge to get more clarity mentally, spiritually. I need a BOOST and the only way for ME to do that is to disconnect from any outside distractions and become totally focused on me. I am watching what I consume and am taking in very little processed foods, meats, etc. I will be soaking up all the positivity I can. When I am finished with this I plan to be rejuvenated inside out.


  1. I wholeheartedly agree with EVERYTHING you wrote!
    I feel like I could have written it myself :) HA!

    So wonderful to connect with you! You are an inspiration!
    Have a beautiful day!

  2. Hi Lady,

    Thanks so much for reading and replying to my blog. You already know my feelings about you and your spirit and you energy... :) It's contagious.


About Me

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I am crystal clear, unselfish, devoted, demanding little, always sacrificing myself for others but learning to put myself first!I seek salvation within myself, I always strive for total self - sufficiency and self - reliance.