Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Color Me Beautiful

While all around me is a sea color, I only see black and white.
Colors of joy and happiness overshadow the colors of fear and despair!

Adding Another Hater

The idea of someone hating me when they don't know me is fascinating! You are angered to the point of speaking negatively about me when we've never had so much as a conversation. I am not bothered by this but I wonder what makes a person hate you so much. Is it really me they hate, or is it the fact that I have what they "messed" up and am doing a better job with it? Is it that reality is finally setting in that I am the person that makes him happy in a way that they never could? Is it because your kids love me and I love them right back? All of these are questions that could lead the the root of the hate! Honestly I shouldn't care less but I do. This person is one in which I will have to deal with and wish that we could start out on a level of maturity and get along because I will be around. I am being told this will never happen due to character flaws of this individual so I guess I will add another hater to my list.

Hurry up and wait!

Ever been in a position where you know what you want, it is within arms reach but it takes someone else to make it happen? Well that is where I am now. I am at the mercy of someone else, so I have decided to hurry up and wait until they meet me on this same level. Frustrating and irritating, but what can you do?!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Love Lifted Me.

i am in love with love. the feeling of love. the sound of love. the look of love. the mechanics of love. the taste of love. his love makes the definition of love make sense to me. his love lifts me above ground and over the clouds . into the heavenlies his love takes me. never felt love like this before. love called me and I walked through the door.

Reality Pays a Visit

This morning reality paid me an unxpected visit, and I welcomed her. She's been whispering to me for days now, and I was reluctant to give her my full attention. This morning, I actually shut down mentally, and emotionally and listened to the still small voice. Self checks aren't always easy, but necessary evils to always evolve. Nobody can tell you the truth about yourself better than yoursef. I realized that the situations I am in financially are my own fault and it is going to take me working to get out of them. I hold myself back. I am ready to shift into financial freedom and take care of my responsibilty and that is me. I am an adult and am fully capable of taking care of myself. Wisdom is the principle thing and I am seeking God for plenty of it.

About Me

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I am crystal clear, unselfish, devoted, demanding little, always sacrificing myself for others but learning to put myself first!I seek salvation within myself, I always strive for total self - sufficiency and self - reliance.