Monday, March 19, 2012

My Son Questions God's Existence!

This is latest revelation concerning my son Dylan who has always been somewhat of a different child.

Upon hearing this there was no initial shock or need to change my son's mind. There was no urge to fall on my knees and pray for the saving of my son's soul. Probing his mind was the only thing I felt I needed to do. The brain/mind is the most underused organ and I for one was glad my thirteen year old was using his. He has the ability and inalienable RIGHT to question and not just take what someone else says and holds it as his own belief. Although he is a child, he is not a fool.I look to all my kids as humans and him being a child makes what he thinks no less valuable than what an adult says. Kids evolve much quicker than we did, and they are exposed to way more knowledge than we were at their age. He has always been an inquisitive child and so my way to delve deeper into his mind was also to be just as inquisitive. I wanted to know what led to this thinking? Why did he feel like there was no God? I wasn't surprised when he answered me back in full sentences with very well thought out responses. He also had some questions for me that I could not answer. Yes, I could very well give him my experience, but why would I do that? In order to truly know what faith is, you must experience it for yourself. I can explain what MY knowledge of God is, but after that explanation, that is who "I" think God is. He said the bible makes no sense to him. What was I to do curse him and and consider him evil because he questions the validity of a book that has missing parts and pieces, a book that people used to undermine others with and justify all sorts of sin with? I as his parent still have questions that are unanswered so why would I expect any less of my child. I know that there is a higher power that exists beyond myself but is an inherent part of my being, but my child hasn't reached that conclusion and until he does, I welcome him to ask any questions that he might have. There should be no shock or awe as to his questions. We need to learn a lesson from him and that is learn to form our own opinions and not be so easily swayed by what others say.

1 comment:

  1. Michelle, Its me...Amea. I love the freedom and liberty you share through your blog. I pray you will use the greatness inside of you to inspire others to be free and uninhibited. I miss you please contact me at
    until then


About Me

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I am crystal clear, unselfish, devoted, demanding little, always sacrificing myself for others but learning to put myself first!I seek salvation within myself, I always strive for total self - sufficiency and self - reliance.