Friday, January 15, 2010

God Send

I've blogged before about insecurity issues. I acknowledged that I had an issue, and I also mentioned that I'd overcome them but as with any issue, it takes time to overcome something you've dealt with for years. I must say that day before yesterday, I realized how huge of an issue I was having and reached out to one of my friends who sent the below email to me. When I read and processed the email, it was like instantaneous relief. Her words soothed and spoke to that insecurity and told it that it had no place in my life. SEE BELOW:

Well first off, you are HUMAN! But even more you are SPIRIT!! You have entered into a new realm of life and relationship that has restored EVERYTHING that was snatched. You said this happens SOMETIMES (the insecurity of him leaving) not all the time. Let’s me know this evil spirit that seeks to rob you is seasonal; seasonal from your past life and not allowed to enter into your new one. Recognize your season and ask God to allow HIS power to overtake you in that season. YOU have the power to say what YOUR season will consist of. When evil spirits from past realms try to interact with a good spirits in the new realm, you have to decide which spirit you will allow to dominate.

We all wrestle with them, but you have to show it whose boss!!! If you are in that season right now, make up your mind this day that whether you are screaming for attention from your mate or just want to be reassured he is there, first tell yourself that he is there, speak into existence that he will not leave and vice versa and begin to act on what you have spoken. Your body language and your spoken words, your feelings will begin to be tamed to do and feel what you tell it to do and won’t take on a mind of its own. Think and reminisce often on his embrace, his passion for you, life and you alls love. Not any love but the love you all feel when you are together. Don’t compare it to anyone else’s b/c yours is incomparable. When you feel overwhelmed by an outer spirit, call him (Marcel) and tell him you love him and were just thinking of him and how you are happy that you all crossed paths and how you can’t wait to become one on earth just as you are in heaven. Tell him what you want to see happen and NEVER ask him again if he is going to leave or if mention that to even be a possibility.

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I am crystal clear, unselfish, devoted, demanding little, always sacrificing myself for others but learning to put myself first!I seek salvation within myself, I always strive for total self - sufficiency and self - reliance.