Thursday, February 18, 2010

Prophecy to me K'Jon...

Now the tide is coming near
I see the waves flowing
Out there on the ocean
I know my ship is coming in (coming in baby)
Just pass the horizon
And right where the sky ends
Cause out there on the ocean
Know my ship is coming in
But don't leave me hanging
I've been waiting to long
But this moment
My ship has finally come

Friday, February 12, 2010

John "FOOT IN MOUTH" Mayer

John Mayer's racist sentiments really offended me in that I "was" a fan of his music. His lyrics refreshing, unique and touching; however, I can find another artist with the same lyrical magic. I dare not entertain myself by the sounds of a man who find black women distasteful.... yes, he made reference to not having a hood pass.... WTF? The he said that his penis was like a white supremacist, it would never go near a black woman... That is the most ignorant analogy I've heard in my life. It speaks volumes on how he really feels about women of color. I think he fails to realize that he has a fanbase that resembles the color of a rainbow... it's not just white women who love his music. I prefer black men to white men, but I dare not liken my vagina to anything with such a negative connotation! WE all have our preferences and shouldn't be knocked because of it, but the issue with John is the use of such racist laced verbiage... I am being told that this is not the first time that he's said something ignorant.... I am not a fan any longer. He went too far! Apology, REJECTED!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Less Than A Woman

Does it make me less that a woman to admit I want your body laying next to me at night?

Does it make me less than a woman to admit I want to come home to you when I get home from a long stressful day to hear you tell me everything is going to be alright?

Does it make me less than a woman to admit that I don't want to grow old alone and want you to grow old right alongside me?

Does it make me less than a woman to admit that I want you to be the lead man in my life as I stand beside you being your biggest cheerleader?

Does it make me less woman to admit I like to go out alone with my girls but I prefer to go out with you because I love how we are when we are together, I love the people looking at us admiringly, and all the compliments we get?

Does it make me less than a woman to admit that I lwant to take care of my you by cooking for you, cleaning for you, stroking your ego, supporting you in your goals, holding you up when you feel weak, allowing you to expose your vulnerabilities to me?

Does it make me less than a woman to want to go to church with you by my side who I love to see worship and praise God, and a man I know prays for me and doesn't mind praying with me?

Does it make me less than a woman to admit that I want to be united in holy matrimony with the love of my life and show the world an example of what "love" can be? Will be, and is supposed to be?

Does it make me less than a woman to admit to you that you that I think about you all day everyday?

Does it make me less than a woman to admit that I daydream about what our life will be like together?

Does it make me less than a woman that even when I don't feel loved by you, that makes me love you even more?

Does it make me less than a woman to admit that out of the men I've encountered in my life you are the only man that matters! Since you have been in my life, I have no memory of before, just now and after.

Does it make me less than a woman to admit that I look at myself in the mirror and tell myself, he thinks your are beautiful?

Does it make me less than a woman to admit, I can't imagine my life without you?

If all these things make me less than a woman, I will accept that because I know I am more than a woman because I'm connected to you. I will never stop loving you.

My Quotes

" When you rise to the top, don't forget the one who stood on the ground with you." Michelle Davis

About Me

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I am crystal clear, unselfish, devoted, demanding little, always sacrificing myself for others but learning to put myself first!I seek salvation within myself, I always strive for total self - sufficiency and self - reliance.